Rebecca Masic was honored with the Dr. William A. Spencer Annual Fellowship last month from Auburn University. The fellowship is awarded to students in the College of Education and Masic was nominated by her professor, and dissertation chair, Dr. Maria Witte.
“Rebecca Masic exhibits exceptional promise and leadership in the field of Adult Education within the Department of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Technology,” Witte said in her nomination of Masic.

Masic is in the PhD Adult Education program and has held leadership positions within and outside of the classroom. She is currently working on her dissertation on mentoring.
Masic received the award August 26th at Auburn.
“Astonished, elated, honored, grateful are just a few of the sentiments felt when finding out about being nominated and awarded the William A. Spencer Annual Fellowship,” Masic said. “This accomplishment is only possible because of the great shoulders of my dissertation chair and major professors that have guided and mentored in such a steadfast, inspiring manner, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge their involvement. Being honored with this prestigious award fuels the desire to make a contribution to Adult Education and Mentoring through research, application and influence, which has become a mission.”
The annual fellowship was established in 2013. Dr. William A. Spencer was a faculty member in the Department of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Technology in the College of Education for 38 years.
Masic joined ASG in July as an Account Executive. Masic works with Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), HazingPrevention.Org (HPO) and Georgia Association of Training, Employment and Supports (GATES).