International – National – Regional Organizations
The Agricultural Communicators Network (ACN)
ACN is a nearly 100-year old organization committed to professional improvement and networking for communicators across the entire
spectrum of agricultural media. Members include editors, writers, photojournalists, designers, and public relations professionals.
ARCS Foundation, Inc. 
ARCS Foundation, Inc. is a national organization dedicated to supporting the best and brightest U.S. graduate and undergraduate scholars by providing financial awards in science, engineering, and medical research.
Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS)

HAPS is open to anyone interested in Anatomy & Physiology Education, and currently includes over 1,700 members from high schools, two and four-year colleges, universities, and private businesses in the United States, Canada and throughout the rest of the world.
American Association of Clinical Anatomists (AACA)

The association is the international home for the advancement of clinical anatomy knowledge and anatomical services through education, research, and scholarship.
Eastern Cantaloupe Growers Association (ECGA)

ECGA was created in 2012 as a trade association to establish food safety standards for cantaloupe growers. The association provides grower certification for food safety, and educational and marketing programs for the membership. The organization has 20+ certified growers representing nearly 45% of the cantaloupe acreage in the eastern United States.
Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS)

HAPS is open to anyone interested in Anatomy & Physiology Education, and currently includes over 1,700 members from high schools, two and four-year colleges, universities, and private businesses in the United States, Canada and throughout the rest of the world.
National Association of Cancer Center Development Offices (NACCDO)
The National Association of Cancer Center Development Offices (NACCDO) is a cooperative venture
of academically-based comprehensive, clinical, basic, and consortium cancer centers that are
designated by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) or who have investigators that receive NCI grant funds.

Network of Academic Corporate Relations Officers (NACRO)
NACRO, or The Network of Academic Corporate Relations Officers, strengthens academic/corporate relations by bringing together practitioners from across the country to compare and refine ideas and

strategies, increasing the value of relationships between industry and higher education.
Roto-Rooter Franchisee Association (RRFA)
The Roto-Rooter Franchisee Association provides a national supportive forum for franchisees to gather, teach, mentor, share new ideas and promote relationships within the Roto-Rooter Family. The Roto-Rooter Franchisee Association, as the independent unified voice of Roto-Rooter Franchisees, shall interact with Roto-Rooter Corporation in a manner, which both protects the interest of the franchisees and seeks to improve the Roto-Rooter system as a whole.
Southern Association of Wholesale Distributors (SAWD)

The Southern Association of Wholesale Distributors, (known to insiders as “the Southern”) is a regional trade association representing the interests of corporations and individuals involved in the manufacturing, sales and distribution of convenience products.
Statewide – Local Organizations
Alabama Onsite Wastewater Association (AOWA)

The Alabama Onsite Wastewater Association (AOWA) is a non-profit trade association representing septic tank manufacturers, installers, pumpers, portable restroom operators and others in the onsite wasterwater industry.
Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP)

The local chapter of an international association, AFP – Greater Atlanta provides educational training, professional development and a code of ethics for the 500+ Atlanta members. In addition, the local chapter sponsors a major fundraising event in the Fall known as National Philanthropy Day.
Georgia Association of Training, Employment and Supports (GATES)

GATES is a statewide association representing community rehabilitation providers (CRPs) that serve people with disabilities and other barriers to employment. Representing 13 rehabilitation centers across Georgia, this association serves as the Central Non-Profit Agency for Georgia State Use Council and operates Georgia Interpreting Services Network (GISN), an interpreter service for the hearing disabled.
Georgia Green Industry Association (GGIA)

GGIA is the statewide umbrella trade association for the entire ornamental/environmental horticulture industry, and our membership reflects the rich diversity of the industry in Georgia.
Georgia Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association, Inc. (GFVGA)

This statewide association of fruit and vegetable growers provides a united voice for the membership and offers numerous member services. The association sponsors an annual convention and trade show, publishes a quarterly newsletter, coordinates a marketing program, conducts food safety and farm product programs, and provides legislative representation for their members. This association was organized in 1996 and contracted with Association Services Group to provide professional management assistance at that time.
Georgia Watermelon Association, Inc. (GWA)

This is the statewide association of watermelon growers in Georgia. The association provides promotional and marketing events in retail venues/stores to support the membership and to increase the sale of Georgia watermelons. In addition, GWA has an annual convention and trade show.
Georgia Self Storage Association (GASSA)

The Georgia Self Storage Association is the trade association for the Self Storage industry in Georgia. The organization represents the owners and managers of self-storage facilities, as well as the allied companies that support them, ranging from security system technologies to rental insurance providers. This mission of the GASSA is to provide a forum for those interested in the self-storage industry by providing education and training services, networking opportunities, a legislative agenda to protect and improve business interests, while enhancing the image of our profession and increasing the value and profitability of our member’s assets.
Georgia Onsite Wastewater Association (GOWA)

The Georgia Onsite Wastewater Association is a state-wide, non-profit association which represents those individuals and companies who are engaged in the design, sales, installation, maintenance, service and repair and regulation of individual onsite wastewater individual treatment systems for residential, commercial, industrial, government and institutional customers.
GOWA is focused on offering educational opportunities through their annual conference, regional workshops, newsletter and more.
Florida Watermelon Association (FWA)

This is the statewide association of watermelon growers in Florida. The association provides promotional and marketing events in retail venues/stores to support the membership and to increase the sale of Florida watermelons.
Natural Gas Association of Georgia
The Natural Gas Association of Georgia (NGA of Georgia) was formed in 2015. Made up of natural gas providers, pipeline companies, natural gas appliance manufacturers and marketers, the association’s primary goal is to educate state leaders and industrial,

commercial and residential customers on the safe, direct use of natural gas.
Clients using ASG as an outsource service provider include:
Georgia Education Advancement Council (GEAC)

GEAC, Inc. (Georgia Education Advancement Council) is a statewide organization for those at public and private colleges and universities who work in educational advancement including the areas of alumni, development, publications and communications.
Society for the Preservation of Oral Health (SPOH)

A national dental society founded in 1960 and recognized as the original preventive dental society in the country. The Society conducts a scientific seminar once a year with mandatory attendance. Membership is by invitation only.
Georgia Forestry Association (GFA)
The Georgia Forestry Association’s Annual Conference & Forestry Expo draws a diverse crowd of forest landowners, forest-industry professionals, and forest-based businesses to learn about forest advocacy issues in our state and to network with others in the forestry community.
Southeastern Greek Leadership Association (SGLA)

The premier leadership development event for collegiate women. The Annual Conference provides a unique experience for women leaders on college campuses across the country to congregate, learn, network, share insights and experiences and build connections with other peer and professional leaders.